Thursday, July 19, 2007

Last week I harped (albeit gently) on how our love for each other (or the lack thereof) in the church is the most visible thing that people outside the Christian faith see when they look at us. I’m still wrapping my brain around Francis Schaeffer’s assertion that the world “has the right to judge” us on the basis of how we show our belonging to Christ by our demonstration of love for each other.
This is an old joke, but one that illustrates the point beautifully.

I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. I immediately ran over and said “Stop! Don’t do it!” “Why shouldn’t I?” he asked. “Life stinks and I’m tired of it all.”
I said, “Well, there’s so much to live for!” “Like what?” he said, “Nobody loves me.”
I said, “God loves you, you silly ninny.” He said, “How do you know there’s a God?”
I said, “Of course there’s a God. Do you think that billions of years ago a bunch of molecules floating around at random all got together to make all of this?” He said, “OK, I’ll admit that I do believe in God.”
I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.”
I said, “Me too. Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.”
I said, “Me too! What denomination?” He said, “Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist or Northern Conservative Reform Baptist?” He said, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”
I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over!

That’s enough to think about for now.


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