Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cartoon truth

The last couple or three weeks I've not succeeded in posting. I have written Musings two out of the last three, but haven't carved out the very few minutes it takes to get them up on the blog. Believe me, if it weren't for the fact that I write an article almost every week for my worship leadership people, I wouldn't really blog that much.

A few weeks ago, my friend Mark Bowers (read his blog at http://markbowers.wordpress.com/) sent me a cartoon that only a Minister of Music can fully understand. The cartoonist is Andy Robertson. Imagine three people standing on what looks to be a pulpit platform looking up at the top right corner of the frame. One is holding a guitar, one a bible (or hymnal), and one a microphone. Out of the radiance in the top right corner come the words:

... and on the 7th day thou shalt clear the platform, check the sound system, replace the broken guitar string, change the microphone battery, select the chorus transparencies, prepare the chord sheets, replace the broken overhead projector lens, tune the piano, attach the new drum heads, lead 2 worship services ... and rest.

Truer words were never spoken.

That's enough to think about for now.


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