Monday, February 25, 2008

The Busy Box

When I was very young (probably around 3), one of the things that I did that aggravated my parents (mainly my mother) was to pull all of the knobs off of the Hi-Fi set that Daddy Jim (Mom’s father) had put together for my parents. He had built the cabinetry and enclosed everything very nicely. The faceplates of the tuner and amplifier were on the lower part of the front, and the turntable was enclosed in a sliding drawer above. Since the knobs were within my reach, I often entertained myself by pulling them off (or so I am told). I assume that I also carted them around the house and left them various places.

Mom mentioned this problem to Daddy Jim and asked if he could possibly build me a busy box (with knobs that I could play with to my heart’s content while leaving the stereo alone). She was thinking something about the size of a shoe-box or a little larger that he could easily have put together with scrap wood in an hour or so. A couple of months passed by and she thought he had forgotten. Then Daddy Jim came over with “The Busy Box” (which required a truck and a man to help him lift it). It was about 3 feet square and about 2½ feet high, on casters, and built from heavy plywood with Formica for durability. On the sides were all kinds of latches and thing-a-ma-jigs to be manipulated. On the top were 2 Plexiglas windows for looking inside at the lights, buzzers, bells, and music boxes that were controlled by switches and buttons on the top. The Busy Box served me well for many years; then it was passed down to my cousin Calvin, who loved it as much as I did.

What’s the point? Mom’s request was for a small thing. What Daddy Jim did in response to her request was far beyond what she asked. It was his creation, and I honestly think that he got more joy from watching children enjoy it than the children did. Mom wanted a temporary fix for an immediate need. Daddy Jim responded with something that has lasted for years. The family still has it, and much of it still works. It was made for me, and I look forward to one day fixing it up for my grandchildren and sharing in Daddy Jim’s joy.

How often in praying do we ask God for something small when He has something much larger in mind? What could God have in mind for you? – for this group? – for this church? – for this community? Let’s pray for God to show us what He wants to do in us and through us ... and that we would sense His joy when we connect with that. It just may be something beyond our imagination that will impact generations to come. That’s enough to think about for now.


Blogger Mark Bowers said...

Hi Mo,
Wow! Thanks for reminidng me that I have not because I ask not. And thanks for reminding me that he is able to do exceddingly abundanty above all that I ask or think!

Mark Bowers

9:50 AM  

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