Monday, November 24, 2008

Interesting (and cogent) observation on the Advent Season

John was a friend in college. A few years my junior, he sang next to me in the Samford A Cappella Choir (I did my undergrad on the 6-year plan). With a quick mind and a ready wit, I thoroughly enjoyed his friendship. Thanks to the internet, I have reconnected with him in the past couple of years and have again enjoyed the humor and the deep thoughts (he's a deeper thinker than I, but I'm still older and better looking). A few days ago he posted a thought-provoking riff on the better way to celebrate Advent. Understanding that our home Christmas trees are already up (because that was when we had available in our overcommitted calendar to do it), I acknowledge that he makes some very valid points. Enjoy!

That's enough to think about for now. The peace of Christ to you.


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