Sleep Study? No thanks ... I just had one
Since that’s been happening to me recently, I decided that I probably ought to be checked out to see if a CPAP were indicated. I called my doc and had him set me up an appointment for the study, which was done on Monday night. A couple of days after I made the appointment, my episodes decreased. My mood improved, and I was feeling much more energized during the day. The lovely wife was sleeping better, too (surprise, surprise). I’m happy to say that that’s still the case … but since it was only for a few days before the date for my study, I kept the appointment. Maybe something would show up.
Monday evening, I showed up at the Laurens County Hospital and checked myself in for the most uncomfortable night in recent memory. As far as I can remember, here’s how “hooked up” I was:
- two electrodes on my chest to monitor my heart rate,
- two on each leg to check for restless leg syndrome
- bands around my chest and stomach to measure breathing
- one something on my throat to measure volume of snoring
- two on my chin to measure for teeth grinding
- one nasal probe to measure nasal breathing
- a probe underneath that for mouth breathing
- an oxygen sensor taped around my left index finger
- and 8 electrodes glued (yes, glued) to my head for the EEG
With all of that junk on me, can you believe that they expected me to sleep? I don’t sleep well when I’m away from the lovely wife anyway. Whether I’m away by myself, or she’s away and I’m home alone, I find it terribly hard to unwind without her. I slept some, but didn’t snore much at all.
I had hoped to be able to discern some spiritual truth from my ordeal. I’m sad to say that I haven’t … yet. If something comes to mind, I’ll let you know. That’s enough to think about for now. The peace of Christ to you.