Thursday, September 06, 2007

Psalm 51 (paraphrased by Leslie Brandt)

Blake alluded to King David in his message this past Sunday morning. Old Testament scholars believe that it was after Nathan confronted him about Bathsheba that David wrote Psalm 51. Here is an excerpt of Leslie F. Brandt’s paraphrase from Psalms/Now.

I know that nothing can be hidden from You.
I can only acknowledge my indictment
and accept Your loving forgiveness.
Purge me of my guilt, O Lord;
heal the hurts of those
who have been afflicted by my failures.

Revive my flagging spirit, O God.
Restore to me the joy and assurance
of a right relationship with You.
Reinstate me in Your purposes
and help me to avoid
the snares and pitfalls along the way.

It is only then that my tongue will be set free
to sing Your praises
and my hands to perform the tasks
You have set before me.
It is only then that I can relate
deeply and meaningfully to my brother
and communicate to him
the message of reconciling love.

I bring You no oblation or sacrifice, my God,
only a foolish and self-centered heart.
I do come to You with a sincere desire
to be Your servant,
to walk in Your course for my life,
to receive Your love and channel it
to my fellowmen about me.

I thank You, God, that this is acceptable to You
and that I will remain Your son forever.

That’s enough to think about for now.


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